We live in a world in which we are dangerously influenced by media image.
- People is getting media image from internet ,magazine,program T.V. ,film even a game play
station.It’s generally agree that the media image could influence with a very large group of people.
Direcly and uniformly by “shooting and launching” them with suitable message to require a
response.People would like to spending a time to think his idea following the media image.
Actually,media image has really powerful and give prospective future to people.When people
absorb a media that they’re getting a expectation to their idea.According to (magic bullet theory)
Both image used to express this theory(a bullet and needle)suggest a powerful and direct flow of
Information from the sender to the receiver.The bullet theory graphically suggest that the
message is a bullet.For example if we watching a hero on movie so everybody want to be a
hero.this is a reflect what I talking about the media image.However,this essay will examine the
influnce of media image on social life and it will consider how it influnce our decide.we can select
a positive or negative side by myself. (180 words)
- People is getting media image from internet ,magazine,program T.V. ,film even a game play
station.It’s generally agree that the media image could influence with a very large group of people.
Direcly and uniformly by “shooting and launching” them with suitable message to require a
response.People would like to spending a time to think his idea following the media image.
Actually,media image has really powerful and give prospective future to people.When people
absorb a media that they’re getting a expectation to their idea.According to (magic bullet theory)
Both image used to express this theory(a bullet and needle)suggest a powerful and direct flow of
Information from the sender to the receiver.The bullet theory graphically suggest that the
message is a bullet.For example if we watching a hero on movie so everybody want to be a
hero.this is a reflect what I talking about the media image.However,this essay will examine the
influnce of media image on social life and it will consider how it influnce our decide.we can select
a positive or negative side by myself. (180 words)
Ong h r u doing brov :) just to let u know ur blog is still not in english :) its some other language which I can not understand not eve Steve :)
Good Luck
Hi Ong
I'm still waiting for your introduction.
Hi Ong
I had to mark your introduction from your blog as I couldn't open up the docx file you sent me.
Was just wondering why you hadn't included a reference for this magic bullet theory. I found one here:
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