Thursday, August 7, 2008

pre-introduction (not finish)

'Increased use of science and technology to fight crime is an infringement on personal privacy.'

i strongly agree to use of science and technology to contribute investigate in crime case.I donot think that it's an infring on personal privacy.In these day,it has dangerious everywhere around us.Especially in a big city.In any case such as crime and natural calamity could happen everytime.We can see from a statistic record and news that crime such as fighting,shooting and robbery bank to appear almost everyday.All of this case want to prove for the true.Therefore,i think they should look for some of technology to help an investigating method.Also science can be connecting some proof in case.Then i think science and technology can be consistent together.we can see from the police UK recording a crime decreased almost every years in the past 6 years 'cause they using a CCTV for help in case.then i believe people feel like safety when they go outside their house or walk on a street.Also DNA that it can help to investigating criminal such as foot print,hair and blood.we can see a benefit of technology and science to help in social.However all of this things have to make a rule and law seriously by government.Government have to make a measure for control a official in charge.For prohibit an infringement on personal privacy from people.

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