Database : (noun) a large amount of data that is stored in a computer and can easily be used,added to,etc
safeguard : (noun) a safeguard something that protect against possible dangers -safeguard verb:to safeguard sb's interests/rights/privacy
surveillance : (noun) the careful watching of sb who may have done sth wrong: the building is protected by surveillance cameras.
notoriously : (adj) well-known for sth bad:a notorious drug dealer.
intolerable : (adj)too bad,unpleasant or difficult to bear or accept:the living conditions were intolerable.
infringement : (verb) to break a rule,law,agreemeny,etc: the material can be copied without infringing copyright.
justification : (noun) (for sth/doing sth)good reason: i can't see any justification for cutting his salary.
safeguard : (noun) a safeguard something that protect against possible dangers -safeguard verb:to safeguard sb's interests/rights/privacy
surveillance : (noun) the careful watching of sb who may have done sth wrong: the building is protected by surveillance cameras.
notoriously : (adj) well-known for sth bad:a notorious drug dealer.
intolerable : (adj)too bad,unpleasant or difficult to bear or accept:the living conditions were intolerable.
infringement : (verb) to break a rule,law,agreemeny,etc: the material can be copied without infringing copyright.
justification : (noun) (for sth/doing sth)good reason: i can't see any justification for cutting his salary.
i think you add more info about it.
Yugs, daw nabasahan ko naman ni sa iban nga blog?
Concentrate to the things that could give information to the people.
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