Friday, September 5, 2008

My essay globalization

1. World’s Globalization business
It’s generally agreed that globalization makes the world become smaller .Labor distribution are more reasonable, people there feel more comfortable and enterprises get more benefit. Nowaday, globalization is extended to everyone in the world.It’s mean people can get more information and more details from news.also we can connect to trading with aboard countries as well. People are accepted a free trade in these day. It is means people have a freedom to trade import and export with their product worldwide. They are believe that the business of free trade is globalization in this country.

Everyone know that globalization what it means and is a word that is on everyone’s lips these days. Mostly know in the way of IT or service, but not many people know about the effects on globalization that is good or bad in economic terms.
Nowadays the economy has linked to all around the world that refers to the growing economic integration of the world,such as trade, investment import and export Thailand exports rice to many countries and every countries want rice from Thailand so they have investment from many places. It makes wages for workers. For example,(according to Lindsay Falvey,2000) Thailand is a agriculture countries. More than 60 percent of people that they are a farmer .Thailand is a major export in the world rice market. Farmer make the best quality rice for the world market. Rice is a main product export in Thailand .Many countries want to consume Thai rice. It is means a free trade make a lot of benefit income to Thailand.It’s obviously that Thailand leads the world in producing and exporting rice,rubber,canned pineapple.It leads the Asian region in exporting chicken meat export and several other commodities.Thailand is also seek to expanding exports.Therefore we can see that if some countries can make good quality product.Then the world market is interest in their product.They can get a free trade between 2 countries or world wide. Also it is going to make a demand and supply in world market.It’s obviously that free trade intend a respond to people who want to improve their life.

However, the accelerating pace of globalization is having a profound effect on life in rich and poor countries alike. It is bringing unprecedented prosperity to them but these can be found in rich countries more than poor countries.Western economies want higher profits and lower wages for workers. They find the market for low investment but high profit; therefore poor countries are the best places to invest. they bring the job for them to work but the wages are very low. On the other hand the poor countries as India and China want to open their economies to the world, thus doubling the global labour force overnight. These countries have managed to increase their role in the world trading system by targeting exports to rich countries. The rich countries are looking for benefits from poor countries such as: local products or labour. Those countries use their resources not economize on them. It is not only manufacturing industry that is under threat from globalization. The services sector is also increasingly affected by globalization. Many services sector jobs are now under threat from outsourcing and offshoring. Global companies try to save money by shift many functions that were once done internal .In addiction, The globalization. It is not only in import,export and service.but it’s obviously in the stock market .The stock market is a part of the economic quality in countries.also the stock market is one of the most important sourse for company to raise money.The price of share and other assets an important part of the dynamic economic. People can even work at the stock market.if people buy and sell stocks at the stock market they are called to stock broker.However the stock market is risky to invest.The stock market is depand on many factor such as politic,economic,logic and sutiation around the world.For example if the world economic GDP is grown up and it doesnot have terrorism that the stock market of globalization will get increasing.but if happen in a negative side, such as disastrous or insurrection the stock market will decrease in a moment.therefore an investors might feel that stock have become to risky. and will put there money elsewhere.However we can see that the world economic of globalization is really principal for everybody.We have to make a strong economic for the future.
The truth is that every country needs income to develop their country . In this century economic globalization shows that be made more income to the world as trade, investment or political. All of these need to lean on each other that help to develop in many areas. If talks about how benefit in this area, it has many good things that happens.

Economic benefits of globalization help poor countries get more trade and investment. The rich countries give jobs and make many income to them for development. They have gross national product per capita correlates so strongly with national health status. Globalizing developing countries those which increase trade and reduced import tariffs have grown much faster than other developing countries. They can be grown much faster than the wealthy countries. Why it is that in some countries the poor benefit disproportionately from growth while in the others have lest behind,Some globalizing developing countries want to open their trade to the world like China and India. It might be that poor nations and poor households are getting richer. This is good for them and their health. Even though some nations and households are getting richer and healthier rapidly. Economic growth is good for the incomes of the poor and incomes are good for their health.

In the area of socialty and politic, for a country to isolate itself from the benefits of globalization still being left behind wealthy and healthy countries. Many very poor people in the world do not have governments that are concerned for their welfare and their interests. Globalization has rapidly improved the social status of women in the developing world much more than before. The global movement improve the rights and prospects of women worldwide.Women become more valuable. Globalization helps to against people on the basis of gender, race, or religious beliefs.
The second area is environment globalization.we have the organization to protect this world.A member of this organitezation have cooperate to reslove a troble of this world.Such as global warming and disaster.we can see that environment is a part of economic as well.It is helps to predict a situation around this world to make a confident in economic such as travel and finance.
The last area to talk about is technology. The explosion of information technology is making it far easier and far cheaper to communicate globally such as: internet. The internet will promote economic rapidly, promote better incomes and better health for the poor. There are many pathways by which the internet will boost the economy to participate in global trade and commerce.

Globalization is an issue that has occupy the popular imagination, both positive and negative. It much also been the focus for academic research. My purpose has advised in analysis of global strategy which the world economic is processing with global. I have support that argument with 2 main of reasoning. The first identify globalization as a further stage in the economic analysis of societal evolution. The second identify the competition taken in implanment global business strategy as consunant with the analysis of competition as a dynamic economic. However economic globalization have to moving on by equality.

World Bank (1997)).Trade,Global Policy and the Environment.Per G.Fredriksson.World bank Discussion paper No.402.

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