Sunday, September 7, 2008

Modal verb and verb patterns

I used this website to help my skill.

Presentation plan economic globalization

I got a plan to present on next tuesday.

1.Globalization defined
2.Measuring of globalization
3.Effect of globalization

verb tense

i used this website to improve my skill.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Useful self study

It is a good skill for take note in english.and get the point to success.

Perfect tense

I would like to show that how the perfect tense use in grammar.

Present perfect I have done

Ong is looking for his key.He can't find it.
'Ong has lost his key.' have/has lost = present perfect simple

I/We/They/You have done
He/she/it has been

Past perfect

For example ; Christy went to night club last night.Steve went to the night club too but they didn't see each other.Steve went home at 11.30 and Christy arrived at 12.00.

When Christy arrived at the night club,Steve wasn't there.He had gone home.
Past perfect simple = had + past participle (gone/seen/finished)

Noun and Adjective

I would like to show word different between noun and adjective.

Word formation

Noun--- Adjective

modest modern (modesty)
rain rainy
liberary liberal (liberty)
basis basic
possibility possible
luck lucky
guilt guilty
crime/criminal criminal

Crowdsourcing in business idea.

Crowdsourcing meaning.
crowdsourcing is a very real and important business idea. Definitions and terms vary, but the basic idea is to tap into the collective intelligence of the public at large to complete business-related tasks that a company would normally either perform itself or outsource to a third-party provider.

Why it matter?
With a deft touch and a clear set of objectives, quite literally thousands of people can and want to help your business. From designing ad campaigns to vetting new product ideas to solving difficult R&D problems, chances are that people outside your company walls can help you perform better in the marketplace

Positive side.

Crowdsourcing can improve productivity and creativity while minimizing labor and research expenses. Using the Internet to solicit feedback from an active and passionate community of customers can reduce the amount of time spent collecting data through formal focus groups or trend research, while also seeding enthusiasm for upcoming products.

Note:If you want to see more detail.I put the website on here.It's really interesting thing.